Reading Notes Class 3
Git is a univerisal tool used for backing up, cloning, changing, and sharing code. The reason that git has gained so much popularity is that it allows you to use work on coding at the same time as multipe people.These means more work can be done in less time. Something else that is very handy about github is that it snapshots every change you make. Meaning, that whenever you change any line of code it will create a seperate file that you can go into later and see what you were working on at that time, what the project looked like at the time. This is a very useful tool because it will last the span of a projects life, so if there is ever an issue where you need to go back and compare what the code or project looked like at a previous time, you have periodic moments in the projects life to go back to and look at.
- What is Version Control? This is a system that lets you go back and revisit differnt verions of a file/project you are working on. It does this by recording the changes made to the file aka snapshotting. With this you can revert the file/project to a previous version, track the modifications that are made and compare these changes.
- What is cloning in Git? Cloning is when you take an already exisiting Git repository (a file or project you are working on) from one server and make a copy of it but using the command git clone (insert link to repository). When cloning a file you have copied all the versions of all the files for that project.
- What is the command to track and stage files? To track/stage on file you use command: git add filename, to track/stage all files use command: git add *
- What is the command to take a snapshot of your changed files? to take a snapshot of your changes for one file you use command: git commit -m “what change you made a,b,c”….for all files you use command: git commit -a
- What is the command to send your changed files to Github? To push your changes to github use the command: git push origin master
After cloning my githun into VS code how do I make cahnges to it within VS code?
I might have missed the step where you get ehe webpage and adjust certain aspects with it in html, so will need to get some advice and clarity on that.