Reading Notes Class 401
- How would you describe Node to a non-technical friend? Node. js (Node) is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code. Node is used extensively for server-side programming, making it possible for developers to use JavaScript for client-side and server-side code without needing to learn an additional language. So what does this mean to somone that isn’t in the tech industry. Node is a tool that programemers use to create all sorts things like applications. it is designed to handle large amounts of information becuase it is efficent. Think of node like a car, before we had coars we had to walk everywehre or take a horse if the distance was large. This would take people forever to get to wehere they need to go. they we invited the car to make it easier for us to handle those great distances. That is what node does for programmers, helps us to handle vast amount of information quickly so that we can get onto the next task.
- What does it mean that Node is a JavaScript runtime? The Node. js runtime is the software stack responsible for installing your web service’s code and its dependencies and running your service.
- What is Node used for? Node allows developers to write JavaScript code that runs directly in a computer process itself instead of in a browser. Node can, therefore, be used to write server-side applications with access to the operating system, file system, and everything else required to build fully-functional applications.
Additional Questions
- Looking ahead at this module’s course schedule, What do you look forward to learning?
I really want to learn how to build how tests, I did a lot of code challenges in 301 and I found them pretty frustrating at times because it wasn’t always clear what they wanted us to test. Which is all part of the process because now that I know how frustrating trying to pass a test can be (especially one that I didn’t have a hand in creating) it will make me be more aware when making mine. I am also to eager to learn everything that this course is going to teach, I have a had great time in 201 and 301 building upon what was taught and given to to us so I feel like 401 will be no different.
- What are your learning goals after reading and reviewing the class README? Becoming even more comfortable with the backend but for me getting more time and work with frontend aspects. I gravitated a lot to the backend in previous courses so I want to take this opportunity to get more experience with the frontend. I also would like to become a more well rounded and better devloper.
Node is powered by the v8 engine.
v8 Engine - V8 is the name of the JavaScript engine that powers Google Chrome. It’s the thing that takes our JavaScript and executes it while browsing with Chrome. V8 provides the runtime environment in which JavaScript executes.